Orbot and Cubot also make an appearance, despite only showing up in a flashback in the original game.

Ascended Extra: Marine plays an important role in chapter 14, despite not being featured at all in the original game.Eggman: Oh, don't stop now, Celestia! You're doing SO well! Eggman: You don't have to listen to Twilight either, and you certainly didn't when Queen Chrysalis was prancing around claiming to be your niece! Your words contain nothing but selfishness and greed. You don't care who you hurt or what anypony else thinks. What you two think is best is only what's best for you. Armor-Piercing Response: More like an Armor Piercing Retort, but during his "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Celestia, Eggman uses one to first make her seriously falter when she tries to ignore his words.Always Check Behind the Chair: One portal was found inside a book.The Alpha and the Omega arc has Classic Sonic, Classic Tails, and Riolu appear.Alternate Self: The Secret Rings and Black Knight arcs bring back the doppelgangers of Sonics friends seen in the original games and even introduces a few new ones.Adapted Out: Classic Sonic is removed from the story in favor of ponies.In addition, even though the story takes mostly elements from the 360/PS3/PC versions of Sonic Generations, it also uses elements from the Nintendo 3DS version of the game.Some of the events of the original game are also modified: Tails fights Metal Sonic instead of Sonic himself, Nightmare Moon is the boss of the Classic Era instead of the Death Egg Robot, and the Final Hazard takes Perfect Chaos's place, to name a few examples. Green Hill is still used, but the levels after that are completely different. Adaptation Expansion: Despite the fanfic still taking the same games that Sonic Generations took, it does not take most of the levels.This Fan Fic contains examples of the following tropes: The former is a sequel to Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal while the latter adapts the storyline of Sonic Forces. This fanfic received two sequels: Equestria Girls/Sonic Boom: The Crossover Series Pre-Sequel Sequel and Sonic Forces: Into the Mania. Sonic and Knuckles: Lava Reef Zone, Hidden Palace Zone.Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Dummied Out Hidden Palace Zone.Some time later, a Spin-Off story has been released, entitled Adventures on the Friendship Express, explaining exactly what happened during chapters 15 and 16 of the original story. Modern Era: Chapters 12-15 ( Flame Core, Dragon Road, Sweet Mountain/Planet Wisp).Dreamcast Era: Chapters 7-11 ( Lost World/Windy Valley, Mission Street, Frog Forest).Classic Era: Chapters 2-6 ( Green Hill, Metropolis, Ice Cap).